If you’ve listened, read, or watched the news today, you may be aware that a massive snowstorm is headed for the East Coast of the U.S. over the next several days. Like all natural disasters and hazards, when the time for performance has come, the time for preparation has passed… make sure you are not caught off-guard at a time of vulnerability like this snow scare in the East. Snow guards or snow shields can give you peace of mind when tumultuous weather springs up like a thief in the night to take your property!

We’ve all heard of the “calm before the storm” and how we should all needfully prepare for rough times ahead. I remember in my teen years as I was learning to surf, about being told that every 7th wave would be the biggest; for newcomers in the water we would often notice their failure to understand the patterns of the tides and waves and see them get caught off-guard as a result, ending up in great danger and needing to get saved. Unfortunately most tests of strength (be it spiritually, intellectually, or structurally) are not so predictable, but history’s wisdom has taught us that periods of prosperity and/or calm are times for preparation–not complacency.

If you are in the East, be safe, plan well, and hopefully the storm will pass quickly. But for all of us, let’s try our best to not get caught off-guard.