I’ve heard the question, “Are snow guards necessary?” probably a hundred times over the past few years.  When I hear this question, it makes me think, “Why are you considering snow guards?”  If you have snow sliding off your roof that is causing damage, the easy answer is “Yes, snow guards are necessary for you.”  The real question you should be asking is, “Which snow guards are right for my roof application?”

Buying snow guards for your home or roofing project should not be as difficult as many people make it.  Of course everyone wants the customer to purchase their snow guards, but let’s be honest – Sno Shield snow guards are the best, right!?  There really are a lot of choices available to you as a consumer.  We recommend you talk to someone from the company you are considering.  The level of customer service a company gives you will tell you a lot about the company, the quality of their snow retention products, and how they feel about you.

Sorry, I got off topic, but only a little bit – back to your original question, “Are snow guards necessary?”  Again, if snow and ice sliding are causing damage to your property, yes, yes, YES snow guards are necessary.  Some common things to look for to determine if snow is causing damage include:

  • Gutter Damage
  • Destroyed Decks
  • Detached or Bent Awnings
  • Broken Windows
  • Damage Trees and Shrubs
  • Smashed Car Windows
  • Torn Roof Flashing
  • Screws Worked Loose in the Roof
  • Harmed Pets (PETA’s coming after you!)
  • Large Amounts of Snow Hitting You in the Head (This can kill you)

Honestly though, Sno Shield takes the protection of your business, property, and life very seriously.  We want to help protect your investment by having you install our quality snow guards or rail snow guard / snow fence.  We are available to assist you and do not mind answering your questions.  Please contact us for your roof evaluation so you no longer have to wonder, “Are snow guards necessary?”